Tuesday, February 17, 2009

HUMANTRIX -The Human aspect of a Matrix

Definition: A matrix is a collection of numbers arranged into a fixed number of rows and columns.

It is interesting to enter into the human aspect of Matrix. It’s an attempt to correlate matrix with human behaviour.

Application of matrix:

Matrices are used extensively in algebra, statistics, computer programming and strategy formulation (Game theory).

Algebra: It is used to solve algebraic equations. Eg: simultaneous equations

Statistics: It is used to get the best path for salesman. It is also used in goal formulation.

Computer Programming: It is used in computer graphics.

Strategy Formulation: Game Theory makes use of matrices to find the most appropriate strategy for the company by solving the trade-off matrix.

Lessons from matrix

1) A matrix has many elements that work together to find a solution. It symbolizes unity.

It posits that we should also work together to find a solution.

2) The elements are enclosed in square brackets [ ]. They represent constraints. A matrix gives solution within constraints. In life, we also have environmental and intrinsic constraints. We should work within constraints and provide solutions.

3) It transforms itself in the process of finding the solution. We should also adapt ourselves as per the situation and find a solution.


This is a Identity matrix. An identity matrix has 1’s as elements in one of its diagonals. It can be interpreted in a different way. The diagonal 1s represent the LOC of J&K. The people on either side of the line are same (represented by 0s).

5) Identity matrix has a unique property. The output of matrix multiplication of a matrix with an identity matrix is the matrix itself.


This can be interpreted as follows:

Attitude x Intelligence = Achievement

A person having attitude and intelligence can become an achiever in life.

6) The rule of addition of matrices postulates that matrices of the same number of rows and columns only can be added.

Eg: A3x3 + B3x3 = C3x3

Human aspect: Make friends with like minded people and exchange ideas to get transformed into a better person.

7) The rule of multiplication of matrices postulates that two matrices can be multiplied only if number of columns of 1st matrix = number of rows of 2nd matrix.

Eg: A3x4 . B4x2 = C3x2

Human aspect: Teamwork is important to get productive output. There should be mutual consent and co-operation. The common number of rows and columns of the 2 matrices represent cooperation and consent.

8) When a matrix is multiplied with its inverse then the result is an identity matrix.

Eg: A-1 A = I

Human aspect: Here the matrix (A) can be considered as the good qualities of a human being. The negative qualities of human being are represented by the inverse of the matrix (A-1). The resultant matrix ‘I’ represents an individual.

Hence the equation A-1 A = I can be framed as under:

‘I am a combination of good and bad.’

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Significance of an Eraser

The rubber may be natural or synthetic. Natural rubber is obtained from latex produced by the rubber tree (Hevea brasilienesis). The most common synthetic rubber is derived from the chemicals styrene and butadiene.

Friends whenever we commit a mistake while writing we simply erase it with an eraser. But have we really thought about the learnings from an eraser? I have tried to view an eraser from two perspectives: Philosophical and Management


1) It effaces incorrect script and keeps the paper clean. We should also erase and eliminate the bad thoughts from our mind and keep it like a clean paper.

2) It shrinks in size as one uses it repeatedly but its power to erase doesn't decrease.
Similarly our memory power should not diminish as we grow old.

3) An eraser can be erased by anyone. It does not distinguish between rich and poor.
We should also be an egalitarian.

4) An eraser looses some of its part in the process of erasing. Still it erases with the same intensity. Whenever we take up some work our energy and time gets consumed. Still we should be involved in the execution of the work and not grouse about it. Also we should work at the same intensity throughout the completion of the work.

5) Whenever we erase an incorrect script we apply force on the eraser. Hence an eraser is always in stress. But it still erases with the same intensity. Humans are also constantly in stress. We should make sure that we do not underperform or get squelched in stress.

6) We always orient an eraser towards the incorrect script and erase. Hence An it is focused in its process of erasing. We should also be focused in our work.

7) It erases without expecting anything in return. We should also be benevolent towards society and without expecting anything in return.


1) It follows Theory-X of the Human Resource Management. The theory says that a person doesn't work unless we pressurize.

2) It is an obedient follower and moves as per the operator.

3) It markets itself by having its brand name stamped on its body. Hence it does Direct Marketing.

4) It comes in various shapes and sizes. Hence it caters to different segments of the society.

5) It scores well on all the 4 P's of marketing.
i) Price: Affordable
ii) Place: Easily available in local stationary stores. It has mass presence.
iii) Product: The product is unique and has wide application.
iv) Promotion: Direct Marketing, personal selling

Lastly, I would like to describe Eraser as

E - Effacer
R - Relentless
A - Admonisher
S - Saviour
E - Eliminator
R - Resurrector